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Summertime, And the livin' is easy Fish are jumpin' And the cotton is high Your daddy's rich And your mamma's good lookin' So hush little baby Don't you cry One of these mornings You're going to rise up singing Then you'll spread your wings And you'll...

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Tag(s) : #New York City

A highlight of my New York experience this summer: the Cecilia Marta Dance Company in Von Kings Park, Brooklyn. Certainly one of the best Dancer Choreographer in the World. Full of sensitivity and powerful energy. Such an inspirational experience to watch...

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Tag(s) : #New York City

...the International Day against Violence against Women. I would like to make some voices heard today, some women I met on my way, and all the others that are invisible and who suffer in silence. My name is Nouriati, I come from small poor island in the...

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Tag(s) : #Speak out!

Après ces quelques mois d’inactivité sur carpediemilia, voici une petite rétrospective de mes deux derniers mois au Cambodge. Depuis, je suis rentrée à Berlin où je termine mon master et travaille en parallèle chez Amnesty International. Un renouveau...

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Tag(s) : #Cambodia

GTZ contracted a film director and her team to shoot a short documentary on the impact of the work of the programme « Promotion of Women's Rights » - for which I have been working over the past year. They chose to film a former alcoholic and violent husband...

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Tag(s) : #Cambodia

C'est demain, le 7 juillet, qu'aura lieu à Los Angeles la cérémonie d'hommage à Michael Jackson, décédé le 25 juin dernier. L'événement, qui sera retransmis en direct par de nombreuses chaînes de télévision, promet d'être à la hauteur de la folie qui...

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Tag(s) : #Speak out!

When I entered the projection room I was expecting powerful images of our World but was prepared to listen to the recurrent environmentalist discourse reminiscent of Al Gore's. But Yann Arthus-Bertrand managed to give a new tone to his movie, putting...

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Tag(s) : #Books and Films

If you have seen Slumdog Millionaire, and are looking for something more realistic and authentic, then go watch Salaam Bombay! Gritty realism and bold display of issues affecting people is something that is rare in a 1980´s Bollywood motion picture. Before...

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Tag(s) : #Books and Films